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Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
i thougth it cld be the nissan cos of the colour scheme but it doesn't look like the shape
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
i haven't aclue what it is, but it looks beautiful!
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from J.B. :Who are Fusion interactive

Not a clue really, but i know it is a section of iDT members who are making/where making this game, supposed to be about around April i think i remember seeing, lets just wit and see how good it might/or might not be
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :by s2 allready you seem to love the game

Ive been ill and had to move back across to Glasgow so ive been away, don't have time right now to reply or read any other posts right now but you bring up a good point. I do love the LFS engine, its ingenious, but some how the game just doesn't float my boat. I first got into real sims years back with F12002 (i also played LFS back then when it was Test Demo (is that right?)) just because of the mods and thats the way its been since then. I love mods and being able to mod the game(s). I just feel LFS would be a wasted buy for me, i would never play it.
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :You can create/mod tyres that stick to the road outside of physical possibilities, engines that are weightless, weight-distribution that itself defies logical confines of materials currently available to mankind, and all-sorts. The burden of physical constraint is on the modders, to themselves produce a mod which is convincingly realistic and thus attract downloaders of their mods that way, rather than be bound by a physical environment within which their mod resides.

To an exstent that is true many mods use the default tires but the idea is that people create there own tyres, the only problem with that is, that getting the real life data for many tyres is hard if not impossible
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :GTR is a mod for rF they both use identical game engines the only difference is SimBin have added whether and somehow slow it down to a crawl on my PC.

Thats not strictly true, GTR used the gMotor1, and only the game engine it didn't use the graphics part of it or the on-line code part, rFactor was gMotor2 (aswell as GTL, GTR2 and RACE)
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from joen :funny how some fanboy/super moderator on RSC is stating "visual tyre deformation" as the only thing that LFS has over rFactor... (because ofcourse besides the tyre deformation, the rF tyre model is completely on par with LFS'... illepall )
If someone makes an (often relevant) comparison regarding a certain feature/aspect between rF and LFS over at RSC, you're automatically labeled a fanboy and you are "kindly" referred to "your own forum" because only discussion about rF and nothing else is allowed. And here we have a super moderator being the first one to start about LFS.
My god, why do I even check that forum every month or so, just a bunch of hypocrites over there.

Yea your right ive stopped posting there along time ago but it is a hub for the rF community sadly. Lol rF tyre model is way behind LFS but there are good and bad things about each game, just some peaple can't understand that.
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from Viper93 :I cannot agree more. Using sound the way LFS does allows much more in the way of sounds. Like you said the engines sound much more alive than they do with sampled sounds. I have seen praises for RFactor, I just don't see where they are seeing such a great product.

Are you on about the sound or in general? I think why alot of people praise the sound is because, take GTR for example, if you get a straight recording from an expert in a car studio it can sound amazing and clean, but it just can't sound real when it comes to engine strain things like that, just those lovely moments when the revs dip and you can hear that through the exhaust notes.
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :I just can't help it but laugh really hard..
The things that we (LFS fans) always mentioned that are wrong with ISI physics, the FFB, the physics, the tires, the floaty feel, and were always acused as being blind fanboys, and how we don't know jack sh*t of what we are talking about and how we haven't drive a real car ever, etc..
that's the exact things that rF fanboys are saying that should be improved in the next version in this thread when the main developer asked them to speak freely at last.. .
So who was crazy all this time..

Why do people have to mention fanboys, u get stupid people who can't see other peoples views i think thats what a fanboy is, a waiste of space. Oh yea and linking to RSC is about as useless as showing me a blank peice of paper, that place has issues.
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from Viper93 :Well lets only hope they learn from their mistakes =) There is alot of ground they need to catch up on when you compair LFS physics to Rsucktor.

Yes your right and i hope they do, the way the suspension and tyres work in LFS is unbeaten i'd say, also the way the sound is created i think thats the way to go its lovely to hear an engine which is actually being (don't know how to say it but calculated on the spot as aposed to recordings).
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from joen :Well, what I'm trying to get at is that if you bought LFS S1, you bought the content. Even if you didn't upgrade to S2, you still get all the updates from S2 with the exception of the content, right? (beginning to doubt myself as I write this).

Yup your right, i think that is an amazing way (tried to think of a better phrase but failed) to do things. What ISI have done is develop new ideas, methods and content in rFactor which no doubt will be included in a new product, thats not much different. This was a platform for them to learn free of EA or contracts.
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from joen :So, are the physics in rF supposed to be complete now? A big farce if that's the case. I always thought rFactor was supposed to be released in stages as well, a bit similar to LFS. But now it seems a new version will be a completely stand-alone release, deeming rFactor 1 completely useless.
At least in LFS the goal is to have the physics final in the second release, with the next stage being mainly graphics/content driven. At least to my understanding, anyone correct me if I'm wrong.

No the physics aren't complete, tbh i don't think they changed much from the gMotor1 days they were just updated, thats maybe just the way i felt it. It may not have been released in stages but there were at least 3-4 big updates throughout the 2 years and a few more smaller ones. the next product will be based on everything learnt from rFactor, that hardly deems it completely useless?
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from keiran :I'm genuinely surprised it's over so quickly, maybe because I haven't gotten into the game, I don't know. If they are going to charge another £25+ (depending payment method) for an update or whatever they are going to do I'll be disappointed. Considering I was told back before rFactor was released by some big fanboys that LFS was a rip off...

lol who ever told you LFS was a rip off must not be able to count money, i think the idea is that there isnt going to be an update to rFactor, theres just going to be a new stand alone product, their already asking for ideas of how to make a new product more appealing for sim racers who maybe didn't get into rFactor.
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from Viper93 :Maybe this is why they thought they needed to release a version2. It seems funny that everyone is following how LFS is doing it's production of LFS.

rFactor its self was a version 2, it was their gMotor2 game engine (which was used as a platform for GTL, GTR2 and RACE) gMotor1 was produced i think about a decade ago in the guise of Sports Car GT and was later developed into F12002 and F1C. I Think the next development is gMotor3 if it will be a gMotor at all.
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
very impressive
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Taxi aswell, ive got all three and i dont speak a word of french but there all amazingingly funny
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Biffy clyro = Semi-Mental (Live from xfm WinterWonderland)
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
i know this wont be a popular link cos it links to RSC but if you are a Ricahrd Burns fan you might be interested in it... LINK

RIP Richard, it really doesn't feel like its been a year already
Stuart Fleming
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Out of curiosity, could you name the LMP's with a central position?

Several cars in the Japanese LeMans Series have central cockpits, as this series runs under the ACO reg's these are LMP1 or 2 cars but im not sure which class these ones are... ... Motegi-2006-07-02-003.jpg ... Motegi-2006-07-02-015.jpg

...i would also like to see more done to protect the drivers from the sides of the cars, but i really don't see them moving into the centre in the touring cars or wrc as they have to use the street car shells and its an awful lot of work to move everything. a more closed-side rollcage might be the answer but then you need to think about trying to get out the car asap if it was on fire or sumthing. its a tricky problem thats for sure.

Glad to here mikes ok though hes a brilliant guy